Cornkils Chagall Fairlines Billy The Kid Ch Glennfields Garrison
Astrellita Abba
Cornelia Dancerwood Court Jester
Fairlines Gossip Girl
OneWay's Moonlight Shadow Foxearth Silver Fog Ch Blue Heritage At Hughley
Ch Jalondas Jacanapes
Korad,S&FinCh One Way Ticket Dancerwood Court Jester
Dormacs Angel Face

Litter 6 Born 1989 07 09

OneWay's Look Sharp
OneWay's Dangerous
OneWay's Listen To Your Heart
OneWay's Dressed For Success
OneWay's Shadow Of A Doubt

 OneWay's Dressed For Success "Skorpan"
Was our own, she got the Swedish, Norwegian & IntCh-title and Korad.
Skorpan had a lot of "fightingspirit" and a SUPER temperament, unfortunable we had to put her to sleep 5 years old, because of an accident with her leg.
This was very sad because she had everything and she never got any puppies:(



  OneWay's Listen To Your Heart "Liten"
Was shown with CC-quality, she is the mother of our 13 litter.


OneWay's Look Sharp "Göte"
He came back to live with us, 7 years old.
Göte was shown with CC, CACIB & BOS.
He was a very good producer and has topwinning offsprings, three of them passed the Swedish mentaltest(Korad) one passed the Finnish mentaltest.
Five are Champions and they have 75 CC's!! 
He had Best In Show progency group at the Swedish Collieclubs mainshow-97!!
Father of our 7, 9, 16, 18 & 29 litter.



OneWay's Dangerous "Busen"
Shown once in veteranclass with CC-quality, father of our 12, 15 & 23 litter.



OneWay's Shadow Of A Doubt "Melissa"
Lived as a pet, never shown.



Cornkil's Chagall "Gnidde"
The father of this litter