OneWay's Look Sharp Cornkils Chagall Fairlines Billy The Kid
OneWay's Moonlight Shadow Foxearth Silver Fog
Korad,Ch One Way Ticket
Korad,SuCh Fairlines Last Born Advance Jumping Jack Flash Ch Clearmount Turn Me Loose
Foxearth Fashionable
Ch Tanliy's Proud Mary Ch Foxearth Jubilation
Nw-79 Glennfields Garrison

Litter 16 Born 1996 03 11

OneWay's Sharp Dressed Man
OneWay's Lovething
OneWay's Rough Boy
OneWay's Gun Love"
OneWay's Penthouse Eyes
OneWay's Gimme All Your Lovin
OneWay's Pearl Necklace

Ch OneWay's Sharp Dressed Man "Tor"
 Norwegian Winner-00, and Swedish, Norwegian & InternationalCh & Korad.
Competed in obedience class 1,2,3 & Elit with first price.
Competed in tracking to the higher class.



Ch OneWay's Penthouse Eyes "Hillary"

We planned to breed from her,  but a STUPID veterinary took her uterus away:(
She's living with her brother Tor, and have a hard life with obedience training and lots of walks :)


OneWay's Pearl Necklace "Zelma"
3 CC's & BOB.


OneWay's Gimme All Your Lovin "Gimme"
2 CC's, BOB & BIS-placed.


OneWay's Lovething "Laban"


OneWay's Gun Love "Collin" is a happy pet.


OneWay's Rough Boy "Boy"