Foxearth Flexible Friend
Crd & HD A

GB, Norw,Sw & IntCh, Bundessieger -02, Korad OneWay's Skalle Per Int&Norduch,Nordv-99,Sv-00 &-05,KBHV-05,Korad+196p
OneWay's Errol Flynn
Ch OneWay's For Your Eyes Only
GBCH Foxearth Playing With Fire Highland Gwain At Foxhearth
Foxearth Fire Bird
Korad SE UCH OneWay's Yamaha
Cea-free & HD A
DK,Norduch,Korad OneWay's Pokémon OneWay's Ace Of Spades
Such & Nuch,Korad +229 p
OneWay's What's Up
Cea-free & HD A
SE&IntCh OneWay's Mercedes Fi MT +155p Int&Norduch,Nordv-99,Sv-00 &-05,KBHV-05,Korad+196p
OneWay's Errol Flynn
WWV-08 OneWay's Tales Of Glory

Litter 66 Born 2009 07 05

OneWay's Flexi Fuel
OneWay's Gazoline

OneWay's Flexi Fuel "Flex" crd & HD A
17 months

OneWay's Gazoline CEA-free
As a puppy