Chess    (rough) Fairlines Mr-X Ch Clayburn Tread Softly
Fairlines Hoarfrost Honey
Samantha Crisarion Chrisamar Candidate
Beublade Bettabea
Ch,Nw-91&93,Sw-92 OneWay's Bloody Mary Fairlines Billy The Kid Ch Glennfields Garrison
Astrellita Abba
Ch,Korad One Way Ticket Dancerwood Court Jester
Dormacs Angel Face

Litter 3 Born 1987 05 06

OneWay's Classic Case
OneWay's Classical Choice
OneWay's Charming Chenille


SwCh Korad OneWay's Classic Case "Tore"
 Moved as a puppy to Fairlines kennel.
He produced some topwinning smooths with Fairlines prefix.


SwCh Korad OneWay's Charming Chenille "Nilla"


OneWay's Classical Choice
"Mozart" 3 CC's
Mozart got 98 points at the mentaltest, (Korad).


Their father Chess