Ch OneWay's Al Capone OneWay's Goldfinger OneWay's Dangerous
OneWay's Elvira Rosenknopp
Korad,SuCh Fairlines Last Born Advance Jumping Jack Flash
Ch Tanliy's Proud Mary
Korad,SuCh OneWay's Simply The Best OneWay's Look Sharp Cornkils Chagall
OneWay's Moonlight Shadow
OneWay's Sticky Sweet Foxearth Fastidious
Ch,Sw-91 OneWay's Fatal Charm

Litter 27 Born 1999 12 18

OneWay's Strange Desire
OneWay's Back On Line
OneWay's Shining Star
OneWay's New Sensation
OneWay's Wild Life
OneWay's Black And White
OneWay's Devil Inside


OneWay's Strange Desire "Ross"
Followed in his mums "fotstep" and was BIS-puppy at our Sw.Collieclubs mainshow-00.
He also has 3 CC's.


OneWay's Devil Inside "Frida"
3 CC & BOS, beaten by her halfbrother O Rock'N'Roll

Sw, NorwCh & Korad OneWay's Back On Line "Undra"
Our own
Started her "showcarrier" at our biggest Sw.Winner show where she got CC-quality and was 4 best bitch 11 months old!!

OneWay's New Sensation"Ava"
Moved to Sandcastle's kennel in Finland


OneWay's Wild Life

OneWay's Black And White "Alice"

OneWay's Shining Star "Zelda"